Do you want the score long, short, or half-short?

         I don’t know. I don’t care. I don’t do embroideries for Christmas.

You have to tell me NOW, because I have to go to press and I don’t have time for your whining.

         Short. Anyway, they told me it’s hard to play because it’s in the key of C.

OK, short. Then hurry up and embroider it, for Christmas is coming.

         I still have the fan on.

The delivery of the fabric was less traumatic than that of the drawings: a small, soft little package accompanied by a smile rather than an expletive.

I confess that I opened the wrapping with some trepidation. I was moved partly by curiosity about the rendering of the antique effect that had been worked out for the score, and partly by a certain fear…

         Hello! The package has arrived. It’s good that you left a little margin around it and that you didn’t sew the zigzag elliptogram all the way around.

Have you finished the embroidery?

         I haven’t started it yet.

And you waste your time like this?!

One ironing of the piece and I began to draw the design with the usual Papermate Replay premium heat-sensitive pen, simply overlapping score with score.