It threatened rain as I embroidered mistletoe leaves. At Christmas you fear (or long for) snow, in summer hail.
Snow has the advantage of not wrecking your car.
I took the time to put the car in the garage and to point out to Alfredo that it was not the right time to go for a bike ride. The sky had suddenly turned grey and had the colour it gets shortly after sunset, only it was 3 pm. I was not surprised to see Alfredo disappearing over the horizon.
A ring on the mobile phone…
Hi! Have you finished the embroidery?
No. Alfredo just left on his bike to look for hail.
Good! Perfect! So no one will disturb you!
Mistletoe has too many shades.
You complained the poinsettia had too few. Knock yourself out. And hurry up.
It was so that I decided to divide the leaves into three groups, giving them the initials F1, F2 and F3. Only one of the groups had more than one leaf, but I still felt clever. At the third leaf, after much noise from the restless wind, it started to rain hard and I looked out of the window to stretch my back and scan the driveway waiting for the genie to appear. In fact, I saw him trudging along, with that little bike that was too small for him, but, it seems, suitable for doing ‘tricks’. I think they are some kind of stunts.
While we were embroidering the fourth leaf Alfredo muddied the entrance, corridor and stairs.
When the mistletoe was finished, there was no kissing.
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