In a breath (freezing cold even!) the New Year has arrived and before January draws to a close, I send my warmest New Year’s greetings to everyone!
If you are thinking that I am a bit slow and grotesque, I justify my delay by pointing out that I could have done worse, perhaps publishing in September, if I had not made a note to write no later than today. Also, and perhaps this is the most decent note, is that I wanted to do the traditional good intentions post…. Having already planted some seeds and seen the first shoots sprout, just so I don’t write nonsense and make sure I can promise things.
Three big and more or less big news….
The first, which has already spread its wings and is about to leave the nest of my thoughts is the New Edition of the book In a wheat field.
It was not strictly necessary, but it was time to give the cover a makeover, which was perhaps born in haste and did not do justice to its alphabet and embroidery. Laura agreed and willingly threw herself into the work. In the meantime, I embroidered a couple of colour variations, to turn the wheat field scene into something different…
Obviously, those who already own the old edition will not need to buy it again to get the new colours and will already find them free to download in the LAlive Book at this link.
The second piece of news is that I am trying to record videos to propose an online course…
I know, I know…
I’ve always said it’s not my thing.
And in fact I’m suffering terribly.
I convinced myself to try to put the pieces of this adventure together because, after having made one last (?) mess with the newsletter and with the in-presence course registration, and having surrendered to the idea that I will never be able to satisfy all the requests, my brain analysed the situation, during a sleepless and stormy night, coming to the conclusion that maybe (maybe!) the time has come. A certain amount of experience with in-person courses has given me courage: I realise that, compared to the early days, I am able to set up, verbally and with demonstrations, premises that reduce errors or incorrect movements or postures. And I sincerely hope this works. Of course it was amazing to realise how much mimicry in presence allows one to explain things, which here I have to film in detail.
A bloody battle raged in my bowels: pride and reason fought for days and if it had not been for Mario, I would never have agreed to record the first video. The me of yesteryear (the me of a month ago) boasted of her extraneousness to the video medium, proudly displaying her inability. Today’s me, badly corrupted, records videos every morning. A shy feeling of amusement occasionally peeps out, but my pride stifles it. Let it be known.
The third piece of news is that I have started drawing alphabets for the book on tpadded stitch. This time for real.
But there is a year to tell more….
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