Embroidering while photographing or filming is not pleasant.

I wish I could let my fingers go, listen to an audiobook, music or my thoughts, however banal and repetitive.

Yet these actions require me, like any deviation from the usual habits, to pay attention to details previously taken for granted, or to pay attention to the elegance of movements and the appropriateness or otherwise of some of them, looking for the best way. Watching the videos again makes it easier for me to understand the details and sharpens my awareness.

I have discovered that pushing stitches with the needle helps to outline contours and make curves well and I have tidied up some notes I have taken for a long time, finally giving them a coherent and organised sense, in the course presentation. A nice mix of theory and practice!

Sorry ! That’s not self-promotion! It is the pleasure of having found a way to combine different aspects of practical work and the amazement of having found it, against all expectations, in online courses. I wouldn’t have bet on it. Instead, these courses are bringing new things. A lot of young girls are enrolling. There is still a desire to embroider, but obviously resources are scarce and this medium helps to reduce distances and lower costs.

I had embroidered the letter A years ago and it is nice to note the conspicuous mistakes I avoided in the E. The most fascinating aspect of stitch painting is that you will always progress!

The pdf of the drawings is at an advanced stage, so I hope to publish the results soon! The painting stitch course, on the other hand, will start at the end of February.